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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Questions

Have a question? Want to know more about our store? We have listed the most frequently asked questions and our detailed answers to them. If you can't find what you are looking for, contact us.

Eye Shadow with Brush

What payment options can I use?

Write your answer here. Use polite language, write clearly and concisely, providing written and visual examples if necessary. Check out what you wrote. If you were visiting the site for the first time, would you understand your own answer?

Bridal Makeup

Do you offer gift cards?

Write your answer here. Use polite language, write clearly and concisely, providing written and visual examples if necessary. Check out what you wrote. If you were visiting the site for the first time, would you understand your own answer?

Makeup Studio

What are your return conditions?

Write your answer here. Use polite language, write clearly and concisely, providing written and visual examples if necessary. Check out what you wrote. If you were visiting the site for the first time, would you understand your own answer?

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